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Minggu, 13 Januari 2008

What Really Makes an Entrepreneur

By. Mary Sullivan

Talk abounds on the subject of what it is that makes a successful entrepreneur. The statistics would probably say that more people believe it is that over-worked term "passion". Well, I have known successful entrepreneurs who were very committed to their businesses, but I wouldn't describe them as passionate.

A few days ago, StartUp Nation suggested that the attribute that marks an entrpreneur is "initiative". They gave a good example of someone who is making a success of business through pure initiative. That term is a start, because clearly a person doesn't get a business going without initiative.

My own view is that underlying both "initiative" and "passion" is COMMITMENT. Passion is the desire, and initiative is the impetus to put that desire to work. But without a strong personal commitment, we may give up when the going gets rough -- and yes, I mean when, because it will happen at some point in every startup. So my view is that it is "commitment" that makes an entrepreneur. Not just wanting to operate a business and getting it started, but the focus to follow through on a vision is what really makes an entrepreneur

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