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Minggu, 03 Februari 2008

Customer Satisfaction Survey Form

Customer satisfaction is the key to success. Getting your customers to tell you what's good about your products or services, and where you need improvement, helps you to ensure that your business measures up to their expectations. The attached file contains a customer satisfaction survey form designed to help you gather this important information. It was designed to make it easy for customers to fill out and to make it easy for you to quickly customize to exactly match your company's activities. It also includes suggestions for distributing the form, ensuring that customers will return the form, and following up on comments.

File Description:

The file contains a two-page document (one page of instructions and suggestions on how to use the survey and a one-page survey form) in rich text format (RTF) that is suitable for use with most word processing programs used in the Windows environment.


Customer satisfaction survey

Special Features:

The survey features the following:

  • Covers all the key business activities — products, services and support, delivery, ordering and billing, and even your employees. You can also quickly modify the form to match any of your company's activities.
  • Is easy to fill out — no ranking of quality on a scale of one to five, no lengthy questions, just a list of key business activities and space to respond, all on one page.
  • Even includes its own short letter to customers at the beginning that you can quickly edit and customize — you won't have to draft an accompanying letter.

The preliminary instructions discuss the following:

  • How to get the survey to your customers.
  • How to make it more likely that customers will complete and return the surveys.
  • How to follow up on the comments you receive.

More information:

Communicating TQM to Customers

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